Ahhh… The creches are in place, the dinner rolls are baked, the hymns are rehearsed, the church is adorned with the beauty of Christmas decor. Today, the anticipation of Advent has given way to a whole new joy—the joy of a heavenly child.
A visitor once described the monastery as “the eye of the storm”, a place where people can take refuge from the hurricanes of daily life. Well, we have had our own flurry of activity here too, that’s for sure! “It always gets worse before it gets better,” we’ve heard it said. The monastery turns upside down for a few days until the preparations are complete, and our dog Chaeli sheepishly makes off with all sorts of things while the sisters aren’t looking!
But now, an other-worldly peace descends as the long-awaited day of Christmas. Somehow the amazement and relief of the Incarnation becomes all the more tangible when contrasted with the more chaotic prelude… So now we rest in Jesus, just as he rests, nestled in the arms of his mother.
Merry Christmas, from all of us at the Priory!