Directions to St. Scholastica Priory
271 N. Main St., Petersham, MA (Rt 32)
From the Petersham town center:
Take Rt. 32 North. Our driveway is 3.0 miles from this point, on the left side of the road. You will have passed by St. Peter’s Church on the left, Rt. 101 on the right, and the former Petersham Country Club and a “Curling” sign on the right. Our entrance is the first driveway after the small white house on the left. If you come to the “50 MPH” sign on the right, you’ve just missed us.
From Route 2:
Take Exit 17, the Athol/Petersham exit (Rt. 32).
At the end of the ramp, take a right onto Rt. 32 South towards the town of Petersham.
Our driveway is 3.2 miles from this point (1.8 miles from the “Entering Petersham” sign on the left), on the right hand side of the road. You will pass Harvard Forest on the left, then a “45 MPH” sign on the right; we are between the 45 MPH and the “Do Not Pass” signs. If you come to the former Country Club on the left, you’ve just missed us.

Please note: the schedule from Holy Thursday to Easter Sunday is different. These are the major services.
The church is open to the public for all prayer services. The following is the typical weekday liturgical schedule for both communities:
- 5:55 AM Vigils (Monks: 5:00 AM)
- 6:30 AM Lauds
- 9:30 AM Mass & Terce
- 1:00 PM Sext
- 3:00 PM None
- 6:00 PM Vespers
- 8:00 PM Compline
On Sundays and Solemnities, the schedule is as follows:
- 6:10 AM Vigils (Monks: 5:00 AM)
- 6:50 AM Lauds
- 10:00 AM Mass & Terce
- 12:15 PM Sext
- 1:30 PM None
- 6:00 PM Vespers, Adoration and Benediction
- 8:00 PM Compline
The Chapel opens ten minutes before Vigils and is locked after Compline. Guests are welcome to visit the chapel whenever it is open.

As Benedictines, we are self-supporting and do not receive financial support from the diocese. We are grateful to our friends and benefactors for the support of their prayers and contributions which help us to devote our lives to prayer.
If you would like to make an online donation to us, please click here.