The smell of Easter lilies is in the air… a sure sign that the long-awaited Resurrection day has arrived! These iconic flowers adorn our church, our house and are even planted in our gardens for a mid-summer “Easter reprise”. The pure white color and trumpet-like shape are the means of the praise they give to God, just as we hope to do in our own Benedictine way.
And what is this Benedictine way of Paschal praise? To be sure, it is the way of the Church, the way of the Divine Liturgy which leads the faithful step-wise through the mysteries of Christ’s life, death and resurrection. On Holy Thursday we pray in the garden with Christ, on Good Friday we hang on the Cross with Christ, on Holy Saturday we remain hidden with Christ, and on Easter Sunday we rise from the dead with Christ. Each of these occasions is its own praise of God, as we strive to live in union with him.
Happy and Blessed Easter to you from all of us at St. Scholastica Priory! Alleluia!