Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men. Today’s gospel is one that always strikes me. Here is Jesus, unknown to most, just taking a walk along the shore. He looks at Andrew and Peter and invites them to come. Then the most incredible thing… they do come. They leave their nets, their lives, and simply follow. It is rather amazing that one look, one invitation can be so powerful. I can only imagine the love and goodness which must have been in the eyes of Jesus and in his voice that would provoke such a deep response in the Andrew and Peter. They felt deeply loved and cared for, safe enough to follow. Then I look back at my own calling and remain in awe. For wasn’t that what happened to me? Isn’t that at the core everyone person’s vocation story? The yearning and loving gaze of Christ is simply irresistible to the one who is willing to gaze back at Him.
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